The most prestigious flower show in the United Kingdom gives Bronze Medal to barcode display.
The Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show has given the Bronze Medal to a unique QR code garden display within its Fresh Garden category.
The prize winner was in a category for creative use of materials and innovative and experimental design concepts.
The unique QR codes found within the display were created by using a vertical planting treatment on a wall and a very simple palette of colors. When scanned, the website to which the smartphone user is directed provides additional information about the garden itself, as well as a list of plants that are recommended for individuals who would like to attempt to accomplish a similar result.
The project was designed by Shelley Mosco and Jade Goto, landscape architects.
It was sponsored by a provider of urban greening solutions, Treebox, as well as Scotscape, a commercial landscaper. The bronze winner can currently be viewed among all of the various displays throughout the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show.
QR Code為目前最常被使用的一種二維條碼,1994年由日本Denso-Wav e公司發明,QR是英文Qu ickResponse的縮寫,即快速反應的意思,1999年時,公布了符合日本當地的標準-「日本工業規格JIS」;之後,於2000年即獲得國際標準組織ISO的認可成為標準國際標準-ISO/IEC 18004,QR Code從此就成全球標準的二維條碼規格,QR Code比普通條碼可儲存更多資料,亦無須像普通條碼般在掃描時需直線對準掃描器。
QR Code呈正方形,雖然以往都是以黑白兩色呈現,但現在隨著編解碼程式的最佳化和相機照相品質的提升,QR Code的圖形顏色不再只是黑白,已開始使用各種不同顏色來呈現,在圖形的四個角落,印有三個像「回」字的正方圖案,它們是用來幫助解碼軟體定位的圖案,使用者不需要對準,無論以任何角度掃描,資料仍幾乎皆可被正確讀取。